The Dead Zone Bluray Review!
The Dead Zone came out in 1983 staring a young Christopher Walking and is directed by David Cronenberg who would go on to star in the hit film Jason X. It's based on the book The Dead Zone by Steven King.This would be Stephan Kings book in and not the first to be made into a movie with other films coming out as well. It follows the book close but so close that you won't know what happens. Charlie Sheen's father starts in the movie as well as a possible candiate for president and I believe its based off fof Donald Trumps.
The film follows a spychic named Johnny Smith who gets visions of stuff that happens in the future and he works iwth the police to help stop the crimes from happening again. He eventually meets the president guy and sees a future of amargeddon
and he works to take him down so this future doesn't come to future. The film also features a love plot but it's not very important as there is not sex scenes with nudity. However, boobs are shown in a visions and that ups the score some
Bluray Revus
This is the first time dead zone appears on blu in the USA so it's a big deal. There are other releases overseas but those don't count for real releases. THe iage is fantastic and Paramount has done an amazing job at getting the screen clean with no grain to speak of. This is what 4K tvs are made for!! Audio sounds fantastic in english and you also can see in french as well but its not as good as american language Paramount pcitures also includes some features like a menu selection screen and chapters stops!!!
Right now you should buy this for The EDead Zone in the 5 disc collection which also has The Stand, Sliver Bllet, Pet Cemetaery and the new awesome remake Pet Semateary which is so much better than the first movie. MUST BUY!!! RECOMMENDED.!