Alligator Blu-rau review (giving away the Ultra High disc since I can't use it)!

This is not the copy I received.

So I got a new copy of Alligator movie in the mail and Ia m told its sposed to have ultra good quality but when I put the first disc in my PS3 it said something about being unreadable, so again I question the QUality Control of Scram Factory and also - if you don't have QC are you really a factory at all?

Anyway i was able to get the second disc to work so I pooped that in to watch and what do you know, I see Brian Canston listed in the credits and that immidiately peekd my interest since I ama huge fan of The Middle tv show and I think he did a lot of great work ther in between having to take some constant abuse from his wife Lois. Um hello, men can be domestic abused too!

Luckily my frend Brian is not abused in this movie si ce he does not start in it but you know what is abused? People and alligators. A big ass alligator lives under the subway sort of like CHUD except CHUDs are scariesr. This alligator doesn't evne look real not gonna lie, if you were looking for something reall looking you should watch J Lo in Anaconda because she got taht anaconda if you know what I mean. ANyway this movie was alright, I'm giving it a 4/6.

Blu-ray Review and Stuff on the Disc

Like I said before this thing comes with not one not 2 but three discs and I can;t understand why one of them doesn't work. But anway the Blu-ray looks good except there is some blue tint in the tunnels and also I have to say I prefered the TV cut that was on here. I think sometimes the TV cut does good work cutting out the bad stuff and to me it actually lookled better picture quality on my CRt. Mom agreed. I'll be homnest, didn't watch the extra features but from the packaging they look prety ghood. I will put them below: ***LIST EXTRAS HERE***

I am giving this whole Blu-ray Ultaa High set a 7 Brian Crayons out of 10. !